Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weston - 6 Months

So, I have a photographer friend who always asks me why I don't post on my blog. Honestly, I don't know why! I just seem to have so much going on that I never find the extra time to do anything with it. Every once in a while I decide that I'm going to be really good at it and start posting every session, but it only ever lasts a few! Well, I have decided that again!! I'm going to start posting at least one or two pictures from every session. Hopefully this time it will last for more than only a few posts. :)

Anyway, so this session was done a few months ago for Weston's 6 month portraits. He is one of my Baby's First Year babies. With every one of these babies, I am always amazed at how much they have grown between the sessions. This little boy just keeps getting more and more handsome!

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